Our traditional Race Night, our main fund raising activity for the season, proved to be another good night out.
£253 was raised for Club Funds. Not as good as last year, but nevertheless, a satisfactory effort.
Most of the races were sponsored, but we were short of a couple which did not help the final total.
However, club members did buy lots of horses which enabled, as last year, four parallel races to run for the first half of the event. In other words, there were twelve race winners’ prizes awarded instead of just eight. ( not as complicated as it might seem ). So, many thanks to all who bought a horse or lots of horses!!
Together with a Jackpot, a final Auction Race and a Raffle there was plenty going on during the evening.
There a was a good turn out from both Club members and their families and the Ridgemere Club locals to create a good atmosphere during the evening.
The Club would like to thanks those who spondored races – Martin Curtice, Chris Wadhams and Associates, The Ridgemere Club, Lowson Ward, Rob and Dawn and our own resident pensioners!!
Some of the winners on the night were kind enough to donate some of their winnings back to the club. This was much appreciated.
Many thanks to all who supported our Race Night in any way, including Steve and his partner who guided us through the proceedings
Peter Brainch
Club Secretary,