There was a slightly disappointing turn out for our Club Day. However, there was enough for Zach to sort three 7 a-side teams to play a round-robin tournament. In fact it meant that those assembled to play actually had plenty of hockey during the afternoon.

It was good to see quite a few Badgers turning out to play together with the usual assortment of adult players. We also  welcomed back DJ who is returning to play some hockey again.

After the first completed round-robin there was a refreshment break followed by a game of ‘Bulldog’. To complete the afternoon there followed a second round-robin set of games.  All games were evenly contested and eventually, Zach’s team, the Reds, ran out the winners. There was plenty of talent to admire and give us heart for the season ahead.

Well done to all who turned out. That should have got rid of a few cobwebs and got everyone ready for the games to come.

Many thanks to all who umpired when they were not playing, to those who provided the half-time refreshments and finally thanks to Zach for organising the event.

Categories: Club News