The GDPR will come into effect on 25th May 2018 and will replace the Data Protection Act (DPA)

To comply with the new rules, the Club is required to send a copy of its Privacy Policy to all its members who need to agree to it and send an e-mail to this effect. Unfortunately, anyone who does not reply will have their records temporarily removed until they have agreed. The new legislation is designed to make our data more secure and therefore your co-operation in this matter would be gratefully appreciated.

Yardley Hockey Club Privacy Policy

The information on members held by the Club includes:

● Personal information as set out in the Club’s Membership Forms for Adults and under 18s when members first join the club. (such as names and addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, vital medical information. Under 18s are also required to have the signature of a parent or guardian. This information is kept by the Club Secretary both in an encrypted computer file, for added security as per GDPR guidelines, and also as a paper version via the membership form completed on first joining the club. Out of date details are deleted when it is confirmed that members are no longer active within the club. Current Members’ details are updated as and when changes are necessary (such as change of address or phone number or change of e-mail address.)  Team Captains only hold data relevant to squad members. Badgers details are endorsed with parents/carers counter-signature.

● Photos and videos taken by approved club members may be shared on the club web site or on our Facebook or Twitter pages that are monitored by senior club members. Permission is sought before posting any photographic material. Club Members, also Parents, wishing to take photographs of club activities must complete the England Hockey approved form and send it to the Club Secretary at the start of each season or prior commencement of any club activity. No other photography is approved.

● Details of Committee members are shared on the England Hockey Club Portal, to enable England Hockey to have a ready reference for correspondence purposes.

● The club web site intentionally does not have details of club members installed. Only the Club Secretary’s details are listed there merely as a point of contact for any prospective new members. The web site is intentionally kept an open site for the intention of keeping members informed on up and coming Club news and events, fixtures and match reports. Our web site provider, ClubBuzz is approved by England Hockey, and complies to its policies and regulations.

● Club members’ details are kept as long as they are active club members, for the reasons of the need for communication, member’s welfare, medical information. Ex-players’ data may be kept, with permission, in case of possible need for future  communication.

● Yardley Hockey Club holds its members’ details for internal use only. No information will be passed on to any third party for the intent of advertising or any other means. Details, including telephone numbers and/or e-mails are not passed on to any other club member without prior permission.   



MAY 2018


Categories: Club News