As from today 1st June 2020, Yardley Hockey Club begins an exciting new chapter in its long and proud history, as it becomes the men’s section of the City of Birmingham Hockey Club.

 At the recent electronic version of the AGM, all the Management Officials and team captains were re-elected to take us into the new era.

For a transition period, probably extending well into the new season, you will be able to log onto the Club web site as usual. The domain name  ‘yardley hockey club’ will exist until next February. Our web site provider subscription to ClubBuzz  is valid until November.

So, for now, all your usual Yardley Hockey Club info etc will be able to be found in the usual way, with the usual log-in method. Eventually, we will of course, move over completely to one web site for the whole club.

The old Yardley Hockey Club web site is being given a new make-over to take it in line with our new surroundings, but maintaining our historical pages, match reports, news and views.

You can log onto the City of Birmingham Hockey Club with to obtain news from the other half of the club.

Categories: Club News