Our Management Committee was elected at our AGM in May 2023. Positions are up for re-election every year at the AGM.

Men’s and Juniors – Management Committee

Senior Management Committee:

Chair: Jeevan Singh Chagger

Vice-Chair: Mathew Bartlett

Hon. Secretary: Peter Brainch

Management Committee: Officers and Captains

Treasurer: Paul Jarvis

Head Coach: Zach Jarvis

Club Captain: Alex Makepeace

Men’s 1stXI Captain: Alex Makepeace

Men’s 2ndXI Captain: Edan Harper

Badgers Coach: Zach Jarvis

Umpires Secretary: Peter Brainch

Welfare Officer: Zach Jarvis

Summer Co-ordinator: Jeevan Singh Chagger supported by Ben Matthews

Committee Members:

Jonathan Smith

Jack Kavanagh

Troy Armstrong

Ben Matthews

Co-Opted Members:

Kyle Letts

Martin Curtice

Ed Carraway

Alan Loveridge

Members’ Representative: Zach Jarvis

Selection Committee:  Chair, Vice Chair, Club Secretary, Team Captains and Members’ Representative.

Scrutineers:  To be invited by the New Management.

Ladies Management Committee

Chair: Alan Loveridge

Secretary: Sadeka Chowdhury

Ladies Club Captain: Grace Herrity

Ladies Safeguarding Lead: Grace Herrity

1stXI Captain: Mimi Welch

2ndXI Captain: Caitlin Carnegie

Social Secretary: Alex Lewis

Social Media Officer: Eshana Kapoor

Webmaster: Cully McDermid

BCU Liasion Officer: Josie Lee